"Formal, enforceable legal documents with their own intrinsic jurisdiction."
The questions below are currently being researched by the Integrity Ireland Findings Commission ('I-I FC') with a view to producing I-I Asseverations and assisting in the work of The Peoples Tribunal of Ireland. These questions are posted here so that YOU can contribute to the research - and can do so anonymously if you wish. Please remember that we are ONLY seeking legal quotes, references, case studies and professional opinions that pertain specifically to the listed question. So we ask please, that you confine your contributions to 'positive' (written) law or to other credible or authoritative sources such as are listed in the Asseverations Research Template. To be clear, we are NOT soliciting arbitrary or unqualified personal opinions, off-topic commentaries or random news articles for example, unless they contribute directly to our work. Online sources should be linked wherever possible. Thank you.
Alternatively, you may raise your own original research question by following these simple INSTRUCTIONS and using the RESEARCH TEMPLATE - which should then be returned to us at the email address provided.
Thank you for participating.
"Formal, enforceable legal documents with their own intrinsic jurisdiction."
The questions below are currently being researched by the Integrity Ireland Findings Commission ('I-I FC') with a view to producing I-I Asseverations and assisting in the work of The Peoples Tribunal of Ireland. These questions are posted here so that YOU can contribute to the research - and can do so anonymously if you wish. Please remember that we are ONLY seeking legal quotes, references, case studies and professional opinions that pertain specifically to the listed question. So we ask please, that you confine your contributions to 'positive' (written) law or to other credible or authoritative sources such as are listed in the Asseverations Research Template. To be clear, we are NOT soliciting arbitrary or unqualified personal opinions, off-topic commentaries or random news articles for example, unless they contribute directly to our work. Online sources should be linked wherever possible. Thank you.
Alternatively, you may raise your own original research question by following these simple INSTRUCTIONS and using the RESEARCH TEMPLATE - which should then be returned to us at the email address provided.
Thank you for participating.
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